Reall partner, Smart Havens Africa, feature in climate report

Reall partner, Smart Havens Africa, feature in climate report

The newly launched, Saving Resources paper, co-written by APPG on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development and Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP), spotlights Reall’s Uganda-based partner, Smart Havens Africa, as a green building and social impact case study.

The report examines global steps needed to better align both the SDGs and climate agenda, to get back on track in the lead up to COP26 – and thereby achieve more with less.


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Standout takeaways

  • By aligning and scaling up the SDG and climate agendas, we can more efficiently achieve global climate goals whilst attaining the SDGs and saving resources for doing more
  • National governments must take action by supporting new green policies – allowing private sector actors to implement practices focused on reducing their environmental impact in support of the SDGs
  • Businesses should embrace practices that advance both climate goals and SDGs – by measuring and reducing environmental footprints of products and supply chains, and complying with climate and environmental protection standards while upholding human rights and labour rights

Spotlight on Smart Havens Africa

The work of Smart Havens Africa is evidence of putting these methods into practice – reducing supply chain carbon emissions and promoting gender equality.

  • Low carbon construction – Homes built using interlocking compressed earth bricks produce virtually no carbon emissions. Minimal cement use, and no firing avoids harmful air pollution. As a result, these green homes help achieve both SDG 3 (Good health and wellbeing) and SDG 12 (Sustainable production and consumption)
  • Affordability – A target market of the bottom 40% of the income pyramid ensures access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing, helping achieve SDG 10 (Reduce inequality) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)
  • Gender parity – They champion women’s empowerment by prioritising female-headed households in the sale of homes. They also provide training and employment opportunities in construction, property management and financial literacy to local women, supporting both SDG 5 (Gender equality) and SDG 8 (Economic growth and decent work)

Learn more about Smart Havens (PDF, 2 pages, 1MB)

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