Navigation: Global | Kenya Nyalenda Housing Cooperative

Nyalenda Housing Cooperative

  • Status: Complete
  • People Housed: 130
  • Country: Kenya
  • City: Kisumu
  • Partner: NACHU
  • Year Approved: 2014
Total Invested
KES 8,721,003
Average Sales Price
KES 520,000
Total Invested
Average Sales Price
Delivery of Homes
Total Financed
Project Overview

This project is located in Kisumu, a major port city in the Western part of Kenya. In partnership with NACHU, it houses small scale business traders from Nyalenda Slum, which is the largest informal settlement in the Kisumu area, comprising of almost 10,000 rented temporary structures made of substandard materials. To afford the housing they were provided with end user finance by NACHU in the form of micro mortgages, to be repaid within 5 years.

This was NACHU’s first housing development within this region of Kenya and has been key to NACHU’s strategy for further expansion. For this reason, Phase 1 of this project included 20 homes as a pilot for future development. Phase 2 of a further 20 homes has now also been completed.

The units consist of an initial two-room core house, with a design that allows homeowners the opportunity to extend construction to a larger four room house in the future. Water and sanitation services were provided, and 20% of project land was allotted for green spaces, meeting spaces, walkways, road networks and a sports field.

Homes Completed
20 Sales
Homes Occupied
Connected to Water and Sanitation
Nearest Employment Area
Nearest Health Centre
Nearest Primary School
Nearest Bus Stop
Nearest Market
Nearest Secondary School

Client Data

Displayed In
Client Monthly Household Incomes

Clients estimated to sit between 51st and 60th percentiles of incomes in Kisumu

26,300 KES
238 USD
40th percentile at year of occupancy
40th percentile at year of occupancy
Household Demographic Data
Household Size
Proportion Female
Proportion Children
Proportion Elderly
Housing Information
Description Type Number Expected Number Completed Unit Size (m2) Sales Price
(Local Currency)
Monthly Cost
(Local Currency)
Loan Length (months)
2 rooms & wetcore, 20m2, 137m2 plot Basic 20 20 20 520000 11775 60
Finance Description Finance Source Deposit Interest Rate (%)
2 rooms & wetcore, 20m2, 137m2 plot NACHU 124,000 14.0

Project Finances

Displayed In

Investments — Reall to Affordable Housing Partners

Total Project Investments
KES 8,721,003
$ 79,067
KES 8,721,003
$ 79,067

Based on exchange rate on 31/10/2021

Funds Lent by Partners to Households
Funds Lent by Partners to Households
KES 10,120,200
$ 91,752
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
KES 8,589,867
$ 77,878

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Data last updated on 30/06/2022