Navigation: Global | Nepal Patan – Nava Astha Mahila SACCOS

Patan – Nava Astha Mahila SACCOS

  • Status: Complete
  • People Housed: 96
  • Country: Nepal
  • City: Kathmandu
  • Partner: Lumanti
  • Year Approved: 2018
Delivery of Homes
Total Financed
Self Build
Improvement Loan
Project Overview

This project is situated in the city of Patan, otherwise known as Lalitpur, which is located in the south-central part of Kathmandu Valley. It was fully financed by revolved funds from previous Lumanti projects, which is a great example of how housing finance can be used cyclically to have greater impact. Lumanti lent funds to the Nava Astha Mahila (Women’s) Cooperative, which in turn allocated individual loans to member households. The clients were required to repay their loan, using an agreed repayment schedule, with the funds revolved again by Lumanti to support other housing projects throughout Nepal.

The new homeowners previously lived in housing which caused multiple threats to their health and security and often lacked access to basic services such as water. Patan also received significant damage from the 2015 earthquake, which displaced nearly 2.8 million people, causing many families to lose their homes. As part of the project the community was trained in housing and infrastructure construction, and given technical, financial and management skills. This allowed each household to either construct a safe, permanent house fully serviced with electricity, household water and sanitation, or to upgrade their existing home.

Homes Completed
Homes Occupied
Connected to Electricity
Connected to Water and Sanitation

Client Data

Displayed In
Client Monthly Household Incomes

Clients estimated to sit between 1st and 10th percentiles of incomes in Kathmandu

21,000 NPR
177 USD
40th percentile at year of occupancy
40th percentile at year of occupancy
Household Demographic Data
Household Size
Proportion Female
Proportion Children
Proportion Elderly
Housing Information
Description Type Number Expected Number Completed Unit Size (m2) Monthly Cost
(Local Currency)
Loan Length (months)
n/a Self Build 9 9 34 4170 24
n/a Loan 7 7 34 4170 24
Finance Source Interest Rate (%)

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Data last updated on 30/06/2022