Navigation: Global | zimbabwe


Reall began working in Zimbabwe in 2000 and has pursued a more commercial approach since 2012.

Zimbabwe’s context is a challenge for providers of affordable housing. The country is gradually recovering from drastic economic upheaval. The 2000-2008 economic crash saw GDP almost halved. 72% of the population are living below the poverty line, whilst the estimated housing shortage sits at 1.5m homes. With an average household size of 5, this implies that almost half of the 16 million Zimbabweans are without decent housing.

Reall initially worked with the Zimbabwe National Association of Housing Cooperatives and then, since 2015, with ShelterSol, an affordable housing developer. Through these partnerships, almost 1,000 homes have been completed, the vast majority for cooperative members.
With Reall’s support, ShelterSol have also piloted a Decentralised Wastewater System (DEWATS), a first for Zimbabwe, that has the potential to unlock new land for housing.

People Housed 4,790
Jobs Created 4,790
People with Improved Water 4,790
People with Improved Sanitation 9,040
Women and Children Housed 3,398
Number of Projects 12
Total Invested $ 5,211,175

Delivery of Homes


Basic Homes
Total Expected
In Progress

Client Data

Household Demographic Data
Household Size
Proportion Female
Proportion Children
Proportion Elderly

Global Project Finances

Displayed In USD $

Investments — Reall to Affordable Housing Partners

Total Project Investments
USD 5,210,984
$ 5,211,175
USD 3,796,944
$ 3,797,083
USD 1,414,040
$ 1,414,092

Of USD 5,210,984 total investments, USD 310,044 was recycled funds from previous project payments

Of $5,211,175 total investments, $310,055 was recycled funds from previous project payments

Based on exchange rate on 31/10/2021

Funds Lent by Partners to Households
Funds Lent by Partners to Households
USD 1,714,138
$ 1,714,201
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
USD 1,848,932
$ 1,849,000

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Data last updated on 30/06/2022