Navigation: Global | Kenya Semba Motto Resettlement

Semba Motto Resettlement

  • Status: Complete
  • People Housed: 412
  • Country: Kenya
  • City: Nairobi
  • Partner: NACHU
  • Year Approved: 2012
Total Invested
KES 147,190,596
Average Sales Price
KES 851,151
Total Invested
Average Sales Price
Delivery of Homes
Total Financed
Cross Subsidy
Project Overview

Also known as Ngasemo, this 100-household project targets members of a residential association which is comprised of three collaborating housing associations. This scaled approach has allowed the members to work together to address issues within their local area and act as a united voice for their community.

The project is comprised of starter homes of two different typologies. The first is two rooms and a toilet, while the second is three rooms and a toilet. Both designs are incremental, with the house designed to be three-bedrooms on completion. An additional 24 cross subsidy homes were constructed, to be sold to higher income individuals to help subsidise the cost of the starter homes.

Previously, members lived in temporary structures where they were without access to basic resources and facilities. Many were paying inflated rents. They now have access to decent, affordable and fully serviced homes. To afford the housing they were provided with end user finance by NACHU in the form of micro mortgages, to be repaid within 7 years.

Homes Completed
106 Sales
Homes Occupied
Connected to Electricity
Connected to Water and Sanitation
Nearest Employment Area
Nearest Health Centre
Nearest Primary School
Nearest Bus Stop
Nearest Market
Nearest Secondary School

Client Data

Displayed In
Client Monthly Household Incomes

Clients estimated to sit between 11th and 20th percentiles of incomes in Nairobi

21,100 KES
191 USD
40th percentile at year of occupancy
40th percentile at year of occupancy
Household Demographic Data
Household Size
Proportion Female
Proportion Children
Proportion Elderly
Proportion Disabled
Housing Information
Description Type Number Expected Number Completed Unit Size (m2) Sales Price
(Local Currency)
Monthly Cost
(Local Currency)
Loan Length (months)
2 rooms & wetcore, 22m2, 137m2 plot Basic 80 80 22 803589 7542 84
3 rooms & wetcore, 32m2, 137m2 plot Basic 20 20 32 1041397 11792 84
5 rooms & 2 wetcores, 51m2, 137m2 plot Cross Sub 24 24 51 - 60088 -
Finance Description Finance Source Deposit Interest Rate (%)
2 rooms & wetcore, 22m2, 137m2 plot NACHU 160,718 14.0
3 rooms & wetcore, 32m2, 137m2 plot NACHU 208,279 14.0
5 rooms & 2 wetcores, 51m2, 137m2 plot Local Banks 430,000 14.0

Project Finances

Displayed In

Investments — Reall to Affordable Housing Partners

Total Project Investments
KES 147,190,596
$ 1,334,464
KES 147,190,596
$ 1,334,464

Based on exchange rate on 31/10/2021

Funds Lent by Partners to Households
Funds Lent by Partners to Households
KES 46,955,060
$ 425,705
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
Funds Repaid by Households to Partner (to date)
KES 25,877,683
$ 234,613

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Data last updated on 30/06/2022